søndag 28. mars 2010
fredag 26. mars 2010
Based on H.P. Lovecraft's story "The Silver Key". Directed and produce by Conor Timmis og Gary Fierro. Timmis as Randolph Carter.
Thanks to Libraryman, the worlds coolest librarian. Please stop saying "oook".
torsdag 18. mars 2010
The Shadydologist
Some web-services are more ... useful than others. There are, for instance, URL shorteners galore. And they are handy enough. But what the world really needed was ShadyURL, the service that changes your innocent URL to something more ... shady looking. You may revisit me at
torsdag 11. mars 2010
Once upon a time - in 1987 - The Dodologist saw The Lost Boys. Three times. In a week. I'm not saying it made me the vampirologist that I am, but it is no less true because of that.
So the news of Corey Haim's death yesterday was ... well, not a shock, but a reason to be a bit sentimental:
And of course there is Sam's (Haim's that is) most memorable quote:
Lost boy, indeed.
So the news of Corey Haim's death yesterday was ... well, not a shock, but a reason to be a bit sentimental:
And of course there is Sam's (Haim's that is) most memorable quote:
Look at your reflection in the mirror. You're a creature of the night Michael, just like out of a comic book! You're a vampire Michael! My own brother, a goddamn, shit-sucking vampire. You wait 'till mom finds out, buddy!
Lost boy, indeed.
onsdag 10. mars 2010
It seems like it will be a good day for one of The Dodologist's favourite sports: Ayn Rand bashing. First themostvenerable Lord Bassington-Bassington shared this little gem (it has been traced back til the Kung Fu Monkey):
Then Libraryman - the worlds second coolest librarian (he doesn't say "oook" quite often enough to top the list) - shared this article by the novelist Michael Prescott on Rand's hero, the not at all venerable William Edward Hickman. Read it. But not while you're eating.
There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.
Then Libraryman - the worlds second coolest librarian (he doesn't say "oook" quite often enough to top the list) - shared this article by the novelist Michael Prescott on Rand's hero, the not at all venerable William Edward Hickman. Read it. But not while you're eating.
søndag 7. mars 2010
Some Norwegian musician won a price today. It's a fitting time to remind the world of his greatest moment:
If you can watch it all the way through without your brain going to jelly, you probably live in a nice, padded room already ...
If you can watch it all the way through without your brain going to jelly, you probably live in a nice, padded room already ...